Labels:bulletin board | earth | hakham | reckoner | sky OCR: NetPhon .994 95 Electric Magic Company All Right Reserved NetPhone supprt of GSM and Inte1 DVI encodings is made possible bu the generous release of source code bu the following parties GS- Copyright 1992 1993 1994 by Juttc Degener anc Car-s ten Bor mann, Technische Jniv ersit Berlin Any software provided that this notice is not removed anc have PPDW that neither hUD the representations author: you the the Technis ch suitability Univensit'at this Berlin ar ftwant for any deemed nor held'responsible for any defects this ware THEREIS 5OLU TEL NC WARRAI FOF T HIS SOFTWARE All Right: Copyright Reserved bu Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, The Netherland Mercutio MDEF bu Ramon M. Felciano ? 1992- 1995 All Right: Reserved. Infinity Windoic bu Trou Gaul c 1991 -94 In finitu Su All Right ...